WATCH IN STEREO: WIDE SCREEN VERSION IV. CREATED IN RESULTS TO THE NASTY COMMENTS I RECIEVE ON YOUTUBE. This is a remix of the infamous TV series pilot... SDP TV or Aki FREAK SHOW. A little story behind this weird little project.... Version 1 started out as a response to all the hate that comes with uploading a video to Youtube. The Haters were hot and heavy at the time of this production or at least in the days prior to manufacturing this sarcastic reply to the mass hate. I was delivering a message in each of my previous productions about the dangers of operating vehicles carelessly but the only reaction I was receiving was the general public doesn't care if their brains are splashed all over the highway. I was the bad guy. The general public consists of a score of hotheaded leadfoots that don't give a $%$@ about nothing but themselves. There is a short list of drivers that care but it is a VERY short list. Version one was an abortion. Nothing but a drawing board idea being manipulated into different trials which all were just experiments. The video was deleted after the production of version 2. Version two was created with copyrighted music which was caught by Youtube's filter system and was rejected. The video was sent to photobucket for future use. Version three was haphazardly repaired without any kind of thought of resynchronizing the music with the video. Just a half ass repair to get it out of the way for the next project. Thus, a kinda loud and ...
Keywords: Youtube, haters, hate, bad, drivers, SDP, safedriverpro, ocala, aggressive